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Scottish Scrabble® Ratings |
Home News League and SILK Scottish Clubs Events Calendar Winners Courses International Committee Constitution | ABSP Ratings of all Scottish Scrabble Association members are given below. Any individual resident in Scotland who is fully-rated by the ABSP (having played at least 30 ABSP rated games in total, with at least one in the past year) automatically becomes an individual member, unless they request not to be a member. Any other individual born or resident in Scotland may apply to become an individual member. The first list is ordered by Rating; the second is ordered alphabetically by Surname. The lists were updated on 30 November 2016 Go to Surname list |
You can phone the SSA on 0800 555 2266 or you can email the
Secretary |
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 19 21 21 23 24 24 24 27 28 29 30 31 31 33 33 33 36 37 38 38 40 40 40 43 44 44 46 47 47 49 50 50 52 52 54 54 54 57 58 58 60 61 61 63 64 64 64 67 67 69 70 70 70 73 74 75 75 77 78 79 79 81 82 83 84 84 86 86 86 89 90 91 91 93 94 95 95 97 98 99 99 Back to top 101 |
Rating 198 192 187 184 172 170 165 161 161 160 159 157 156 154 152 152 150 149 148 148 146 146 145 144 144 144 142 141 140 138 137 137 136 136 136 135 133 132 132 131 131 131 130 129 129 128 127 127 125 124 124 121 121 117 117 117 115 112 112 111 109 109 108 105 105 105 104 104 103 101 101 101 100 99 98 98 96 95 94 94 90 89 86 83 83 81 81 81 79 74 72 72 68 67 61 61 58 57 55 55 52 |
Name Allan Simmons (GM) Piotr Andronowski (Exp) Neil Scott (GM) Helen Gipson (GM) Chris Cummins Ross Mackenzie James Squires Simon Gillam (Exp) Alan Sinclair Stu Harkness Wilma Warwick Niyi Adebayo Raymond Tate Amy Byrne Billy Dott Peter Preston Christine McKenzie Alan Georgeson Tom Wilson Ricky Zinger Caroline Atkins Colin Nicol Jim Wilkie Sandra Hoffland Marion Keatings Anne Ramsay John Balloch Kate Surtees Owen Bondin Margaret Armstrong Bob Jarvie Alec Robertson Moya Dewar Marjory Flight Mary Jones Anne Steward Melanie Beaumont Kate Leckie Kenneth Ross Janice Bease Heather Laird Nigel Sibbett Margaret Harkness Linda Bradford Sheena Wilson Yvonne Holland Jean Gallacher Rhoda Gray Sylvia Swaney Scott Bowman Carol Malkin Helen Polhill Gloria Schofield Caroline Foy Margaret Irons Ken McGinness Michael Harley Julie Tate Gordon Winter Helga Farrow John Fyfe Marc Gillis Gordon Bruce Sandy MacLeod Liz Robertson Willie Scott Carol Grant Maria Marczak Jennifer Payne Nora Bain Sybil Berrecloth Mary Orr Joyce Clegg Ian Whyte Doreen Jarvie Margaret Leonard-McGhee Pat Marson Isobel Gillies Margot Montgomery Paul Roberts Isla Wilkie Lena Glass Phil Jones Frances Mayes Aileen Morrison Alison Peters Beverley Raeburn Maria Raffaelli Rena Waddell Mary Kennedy Sheila Johnston Nancy Yorkston Margaret McGhee Margaret Smith Zandra Begg Bob Horne Ian Campbell Steven Morrice Pamela Farr Maureen O'Donnell Andreas Wilhelm |
Rating 157 192 138 146 101 142 131 133 61 101 140 124 129 108 154 58 100 172 136 152 55 111 136 117 109 127 149 161 95 109 184 89 104 127 130 160 115 144 128 61 117 137 98 72 136 86 144 74 131 132 98 170 105 124 104 96 83 68 117 150 94 57 83 146 55 101 103 81 121 152 81 81 144 94 137 105 132 121 187 105 131 198 161 67 165 135 141 125 112 156 79 159 99 52 90 145 129 148 112 72 Back to top 148 |
Name Niyi Adebayo Piotr Andronowski (Exp) Margaret Armstrong Caroline Atkins Nora Bain John Balloch Janice Bease Melanie Beaumont Zandra Begg Sybil Berrecloth Owen Bondin Scott Bowman Linda Bradford Gordon Bruce Amy Byrne Ian Campbell Joyce Clegg Chris Cummins Moya Dewar Billy Dott Pamela Farr Helga Farrow Marjory Flight Caroline Foy John Fyfe Jean Gallacher Alan Georgeson Simon Gillam (Exp) Isobel Gillies Marc Gillis Helen Gipson (GM) Lena Glass Carol Grant Rhoda Gray Margaret Harkness Stu Harkness Michael Harley Sandra Hoffland Yvonne Holland Bob Horne Margaret Irons Bob Jarvie Doreen Jarvie Sheila Johnston Mary Jones Phil Jones Marion Keatings Mary Kennedy Heather Laird Kate Leckie Margaret Leonard-McGhee Ross Mackenzie Sandy MacLeod Carol Malkin Maria Marczak Pat Marson Frances Mayes Margaret McGhee Ken McGinness Christine McKenzie Margot Montgomery Steven Morrice Aileen Morrison Colin Nicol Maureen O'Donnell Mary Orr Jennifer Payne Alison Peters Helen Polhill Peter Preston Beverley Raeburn Maria Raffaelli Anne Ramsay Paul Roberts Alec Robertson Liz Robertson Kenneth Ross Gloria Schofield Neil Scott (GM) Willie Scott Nigel Sibbett Allan Simmons (GM) Alan Sinclair Margaret Smith James Squires Anne Steward Kate Surtees Sylvia Swaney Julie Tate Raymond Tate Rena Waddell Wilma Warwick Ian Whyte Andreas Wilhelm Isla Wilkie Jim Wilkie Sheena Wilson Tom Wilson Gordon Winter Nancy Yorkston Ricky Zinger |